
INKids is a space for kids to connect with God, have fun and make friends. 

We believe the greatest truth any person can know is that God loves them and has a plan for their lives! We desire to see a generation of strong kids, with great values, who know their God deeply and can contribute to their world through the powerful foundation of a relationship with God. 

Our ministry has age-appropriate programs, tailored to reaching these goals. We pray your kids have the best time in kid’s church and experience God for themselves. 

INChurch is committed to upholding the Child Safe Standards in NSW.  All INKids team members over 18 hold a verified and current WWCC# and all team are trained in Safe Church ministry and agree to a Code of Conduct. All children must be registered and collected by a parent or legal guardian. The safety of your children is extremely important to us. To read our Child Protection Policy Information for Parents click here, for Young People click here and for Kids click here. If you ever have a concern for the safety or wellbeing your child, another person’s child, or the actions of one of our team, or anyone else, please contact our safer churches officer, Ps Allyson Parker on 47363000, or use the contact form here:

Imagine Nations Church will fulfil all reporting obligations according to National and State legislation including mandatory reports to the Department of Communities and Justice, police or other government statutory authorities. It is an offense to provide false or misleading information.

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What to expect

Biblical Based Faith!

Relevant, biblical teaching for children will be presented in every service aiming to teach children Bible stories and understand Christian character. 

During our services we also include: 

  • Praise and worship. Where children can express their love to God through dance and song 

  • Offerings and Missions. An optional giving time is presented during the service to help develop generosity and trust in God through all areas of their lives. Beyond tithes, kids have the opportunity to be part of world missions, change other people’s lives, and be part of something bigger than themselves. 

  • Fun, Games and Free Play!

  • Additional Needs: We will always work to ensure that all children with additional needs are both welcome and experience belonging. Please have a conversation with our team personally to see if our team has the appropriate training to meet your child’s individual needs.

  • Safety. All INKids team members are trained in Safe Church ministry and meet the requirements of the Commission for Children and Young People.  All children must be registered and collected by a parent or legal guardian. The safety of your children is extremely important to us. To read our Child Protection Policy Information for Parents click here, for Young People click here and for Kids click here.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Age Groups

Little Sparks: 1 – 2 years (walking)
Pre-School Glow: 3 – 5 years
Ignite: Kindergarten – Year 6 students


Helping Your Child to Join Little Sparks & Pre-school Glow

We want to ensure your child is comfortable while they’re with us. If it’s your child’s first time visiting Little Sparks & Pre-school Glow we’ve provided some info and tips to help you.


Next Steps

We are passionate about your children growing to know Jesus, find freedom, discover purpose and make a difference. Click here to see our Next Steps for Kids.

Revival of the Bible

Memorising the word of God is a powerful tool for kids. Click the button below to read the verses suggested for each age group.


If your child has indicated they would like God to be part of their life click below for more information.

Water Baptisms

It's important that they genuinely understand what baptism means and why it's the right next step for them. We want this to be a meaningful spiritual event in their lives, reflecting their own walk with Jesus.

Local School Scripture

Imagine Nations Kids have team involved in SRE in local schools. We use the CONNECT™ and Beginning with God ™ curriculum from CEP.

You can view this curriculum here and here.

We also have team who are available to teach small group self-esteem, character building and leadership programs in schools.

INKids Missions Stall

Your child can help others all around the world. Help them reach their faith promise goal by assisting them sell fun goods at the end of a Sunday service. Some ideas might be cupcakes, succulents, homemade jam, homegrown plants, lolly bags, or other yummy treats. Standard sized cupcakes are sold at $3 each.

To get involved visit the stall on a Sunday morning and put your families name down on the list! 



You can apply to be a part of our amazing Imagine Nations Kids Team today.

INChurch is committed to upholding the Child Safe Standards in NSW.  All INKids team members over 18 must hold a verified and current WWCC#. Team members must complete Safer Churches and Reportable Conduct training. You will be required to agree to a Code of Conduct.