Volunteering at INChurch
At Imagine Nations Church we are committed to providing a safe environment for our community. All volunteers of INChurch need to have completed the below steps in order to serve. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our team on 4736 3000.
How to Apply to Volunteer at INChurch
Apply for a NSW Volunteer Working with Children Check through The Office of the Children’s Guardian (renewed every 5 years)
Complete Safer Churches Training (Refresher course every 3 years)
Complete Reportable Conduct Scheme Training (one time only)
Complete the relevant Application Form for your team
Complete the ACC Volunteer Declaration Form (one time only)
Working with Children Check
It is required that all volunteers that interact with children hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) Number. To apply for a WWCC Number with the Office of the Children’s Guardian please click the link below. Volunteer WWCC’s are free.
2. Safer Churches Training – Volunteers Essentials
We require all volunteers to undertake Safer Churches training. To begin your online training course please click the button below. The cost is $15.
Please ensure you navigate to the COURSES FOR VOLUNTEERS section.
Ensure you complete on a DESKTOP NOT A MOBILE DEVICE.
When completed on a mobile, your progress can be lost if the screen locks, use a desktop to avoid this.
3. Reportable Conduct Scheme Training
Please watch the short video below then click on the Reportable Conduct Questionnaire button below to complete the training.
4. Team Application Form
Click on the relevant button for the team you’re applying for.
5. ACC Workers (Paid or Volunteer) Code of Conduct & Declaration Form
Codes of Conduct are a part of ACC’s commitment to emotionally and physically safe environments, an expectation of our Child Protection Policy, and a commitment to providing appropriate duty of care, including health and safety considerations. This Code of Conduct outlines the requirements and expectations for all paid and volunteer workers in ACC Churches and associated activities who hold spiritual guidance roles. It can be used for church staff roles.
The ACC has two other Codes of Conduct:
The ACC Ministerial Code of Conduct applies to ACC Credential holders.
The ACC non-spiritual guidance Volunteer Code of Conduct applies to all volunteers in non-spiritual guidance roles.
This Code of Conduct is divided into two categories:
those considered to be legal, biblical and/or moral imperatives, denoted by the word “shall” must be implemented, and
those considered as good practice, denoted by the words “expected”, and are nevertheless strongly recommended.
ACC recognises that volunteering and working in the context of a local church is a transformative process and is committed to treating all workers with respect and facilitating worker growth where necessary.
This Code of conduct applies to all workers in Imagine Nations Church Incorporated ABN 37 984 869 072, whether in a paid or volunteer position.
Workers shall uphold all relevant State or Territory legislation applicable to their role. They shall abide by, and implement all church or associated event policies, procedures and guidelines. Workers are expectedto seek clarity in circumstances where the guidelines, processes or instructions are unclear.
All workers are servants of Christ, who should endeavour to become servant leaders as modelled by Jesus (John 13:3-14). The misuse of authority can be a particular temptation when being given a position of trust and power – this must be avoided.
are expected act in the best interests of those we serve.
shall not be abusive in any way toward others, spiritually, emotionally, physically or sexually, including domestic and family violence.
shall avoid the use of offensive language (e.g. swear words, sexual connotations, racial, religious or gender related slurs).
shall exercise caution with all potentially addictive behaviours and/or harmful substances. Drunkenness is never acceptable.
shall refrain from using any illicit substances.
are expected to understand and implement appropriate behavioural boundaries between themselves and those we serve, including using caution when initiating or receiving physical contact with those we serve. This includes gestures of comfort as such gestures can be unwanted or misinterpreted.
shall act with sexual integrity. Sex is a gift from God and integral to human nature.
shall not transmit, download or store any communication that is discriminatory or harassing, derogatory, obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic, defamatory, threatening, for any purpose other than that specifically relevant to their position, for the purpose of reporting to an authority or to comply with a legal direction.
shall report their concerns of harm or risk of harm according to ACC Safer Church Guidelines.
are expected to treat all people fairly and in accordance with ACC and local church policies, guidelines and position papers.
are expected to communicate with integrity, including accountable and wise use of electronic communication.
are expected to acknowledge when they are out of their depth and do not possess the required skill set in difficult pastoral situations, (e.g., a person who needs professional counselling) and seek help from a team leader or church leader.
shall not take property belonging to others, including intellectual property (copyright).
shall disclose potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interest in relation to their church role. (e.g. possible financial gain; existing personal relationships)
are expected to be open to correction and to act with humility by appropriately modifying their behaviour so as to not discredit the gospel.
Workers shall not seek financial gain from their role or misuse their personal church relationships for financial gain. Workers are expected to steward property and finances related to their role with accountability, transparency, and integrity and report any concerns they have in relation to these matters.
Confidential information shall not be disclosed and must be treated with the utmost care. Exceptions include:
when disclosure is required by law,
harm or risk of harm notifications whether required by law or not,
there are concerns for the safety of the person or others,
in accordance with the entity’s privacy policy,
or when the information is in the public domain.
Disclosure is a serious matter and the assistance of a team leader or church leader should be sought.
Are expected to embrace the vision, values, and mission of the Church or associated activity, and continue to develop ministry skills through a variety of means including team meetings.
shall undertake the training required for their role.
are expected to be accountable to team, watch out for each other and protect each other’s integrity.
Any breach of this code involving a criminal offence will lead to a report being made to the relevant authorities. Any breaches relating to the harm, or risk of harm of a child or young person will be dealt with under our Child Protection Policy. Any other breach may at sole discretion of Imagine Nations Church Incorporated and may result in the volunteer being stood down or suspended.
I have read and understood this Code of Conduct
This form is for anyone applying to volunteer at INChurch, and is sent securely to our database.
Please click here if you wish to view our privacy policy.