An empowering experience of intentional growth.

How do you help those you are discipling discover and develop the gifts within them? By coming alongside them and helping them to
develop and be equipped so they can go into their world and make disicples.


We are passionate about making Jesus’ last command our first priority. By encouraging your connect members to take this next step you are helping them obey the great commission of Christ – to reach out and make disciples. (Matt 28.18) 


This training experience is a relational, flexible and practical equipping experience. 

The DMT experience includes; 

  • Two in-person sessions at church comprising three topics. 

  • Four Self-study topics in their own time over 4 weeks. (Followed up by a catchup by their leader for discussion questions on each topic. This can be done in person or over the phone) 

  • Various practical tasks will be due over the term to be completed by the trainee with your help.


We choose to invest into people who are available, faithful and willing. They need to be committed connect group members who have been teachable and eager to participate.

Before enrolling your CG member, you need to discuss entering the course with them. Share vision of why you believe they are ready for this Next Step and what this commitment would consist of.


  1. Have been water baptised as a believer in Jesus Christ or intend to do so at the next opportunity.

  2. Have attended an Encounter weekend and completed the before and after Encounter studies.

  3. Have completed Discipleship Essentials 1 before beginning this training opportunity.


Please see your App for upcoming dates.

Below is information to give to your potential participant so they can understand what is involved.

Register for DMT