Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward. Psalm 127:3 TPT
Parenting – it is the both the greatest joy and greatest challenge. Each ‘love-gift’ from God simply did not come with written instructions, and each one is unique.
No matter what season you are in as a parent, we want you to know that God made no mistake choosing you as a parent. He planned you. He planned your child. He knows your needs, your heartaches, your victories and your challenges. He knows their needs, heartaches, victories and challenges. He has all the strength, wisdom and power you need to help you as a parent.
You are also surrounded by a church family as you parent. You will find those who have done the journey and faced similar challenges who can give you wisdom. There will be those who will stand with you in prayer, celebrate milestones and achievements, or sit with you through crisis. You don’t need to parent alone.
As a parent, you are called to lead the discipleship formation of your child. This is such a beautiful privilege. If we could simplify this whole process for you, it would be this:
Read. Pray. Everyday.
For yourself.
For your child.
With your child.
As your child does this for themselves.
Below you will find some resources and recommendations you may find helpful. It is by no means a ‘comprehensive’ list – but a good starting point. Some websites are not Christian and therefore may contain content that do not uphold Christian values, but that also have content that is extremely helpful.
We do not endorse content that is not Biblical.
Ps Allyson
Parenting Resources
Click on the links for web resources.
INChurch Parenting Conversation
With collective wisdom, experience and honesty, our team talk about the joys and challenges of parent led discipleship across all ages of children. We pray this conversation encourages and inspires you, as you lead your own children in following Jesus.
Engaging Kids with Bible Reading
5 Gifts Fathers give their children – Ps Jack (video)
All ages: Information and/or podcasts
Birth–2 years
Every child can thrive by five (video)
Bible to read together: Candle bible for toddlers
Parenting book recommendation: 40 Scripture based prayers to pray over your children. Kaylene Yoder
3–4 years
Discipleship 67 Pre-school: discipleship conversation starter cards (INKids)
Bible to read together: Candle Bible for Kids
Kids devotional: The Beginners bible kid sized devotions
Parenting book recommendations:
The 5 love languages of children. Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell
40 Scripture based prayers to pray over your children. Kaylene Yoder
5–8 years
Discipleship 67 JNR: discipleship conversation starter cards (INKids)
Bible to read together: The Jesus Story-book Bible
Kids Devotional: The one year fun and active devotions for kids. Tyndale Kids
Parenting book recommendations:
Boundaries with kids. Henry Cloud & John Townsend
40 Scripture based prayers to pray over your children. Kaylene Yoder
Website recommendation:
9–10 years
Discipleship 67: discipleship conversation starter cards (INKids)
Bible: We recommend a translation that is at your child’s reading level and that they choose themselves. ICB, NLT, CEV, NIrV are translations worth considering. While, lots of children’s Bibles are the NIV translation, generally, this is a more difficult reading and comprehension level.
Kids devotional: The kids book of devotions. Mark Littleton
Parenting book recommendations:
The love dare for parents. Alex & Stephen Kendrick
40 Scripture based prayers to pray over your children. Kaylene Yoder
Website recommendation:
Discipleship 67: discipleship conversation starter cards (INKids)
Bible: We recommend a translation that is at your child’s reading level and that they choose themselves. ICB, NLT, CEV, NIrV are translations worth considering. While, lots of children’s Bibles are the NIV translation, generally, this is a more difficult reading and comprehension level.
Kids devotional: The one year devotion with Jesus. Joshua Cooley
Parenting book recommendations:
Revolutionary Parenting. George Barna
Fearless Parenting. George Barna & Jimmy Myers
40 Scripture based prayers to pray over your children. Kaylene Yoder
Years 7-8 at school
INY Daily Double
Parenting book recommendations:
Praying the scriptures for your teens. Jodie Bernt
The 5 love languages of teenagers. Gary Chapman
Parenting teens recommendation:
Website recommendation:
Years 9-12 at school
INY Daily Double
Parenting book recommendations:
Praying the scriptures for your teens. Jodie Bernt
The 5 love languages of your teenagers. Gary Chapman
Parenting teens recommendation:
Website recommendation: