Imagine Nations Church

Kids Online Connect Group Permission Form

 Dear Parents,

We are committed to conducting safe Children’s Ministry during these unprecedented times where online contact has become one of the only forms of interaction. We’re aware that the online space can be filled with some dangers as well as great advantages.

Our aim is to clearly communicate how we aim to use online / phone contact to interact and support your child.

We’ve started to use online / non face-to-face tools to stay better connected with our Children. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Zoom groups

  • Phone calls and text messaging

Our leaders have agreed to the following conditions below PRIOR to engaging in online ministry. Please have a read so you can be informed about the requirements we have put on our leaders. Click to open PDF.

To summarise the main points:

  • Our leaders will always contact you about any online activities. Please do your best to acknowledge their communication as it will help them know you’re on board

  • Our leaders will maintain a safe environment to the best of their ability.

  • Our leaders are trained to inform us of any behavioural issues to our Kids Service Pastors – Ps Isaac & Rebecca Pena or Ps Allyson Parker (Safer Churches Officer) if the matter relates to child protection.

  • Our leaders want to help your child grow in their walk with God and support them as they live their everyday life.

If you’d like to give permission for your young person to participate in Online Connects, please read and fill out the consent form below.

Kids Online Connect Group Permission form