The Holy Spirit is at work in your life.

If you have received God’s wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, then you have already experienced the Holy Spirit working in your life. From the very outset of your walk with God, His influence came upon you, convicting you of sin and drawing you to the Father. When you responded by repenting of your sin and coming to Jesus for salvation, you were born again (John 3, Romans 8:9) that is, born of the Spirit of God. Jesus lives in your heart by the Holy Spirit.

There is more

But, there is yet another blessing of the Holy Spirit for you to receive. For every born-again believer there awaits what Jesus called “The Promise of the Father” (Luke 24:49), His power from on high - the baptism of the Holy Spirit. “

…Wait for the Promise of the Father, which, He said, ‘you have heard from Me; for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.’ ” (Acts 1:4-5)

The word, baptize literally means to be immersed and drenched. When you are immersed in something it permeates and touches all that you are.

The purpose of Holy Spirit baptism

Jesus said, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

The Holy Spirit is a Person, not a force. He imparts His power and much more, into our lives when we are baptized with the Spirit. Jesus knew that His followers and all future followers would require the Holy Spirit in all His fullness and power in order to fulfill the task He commissioned them to do. In this day, we also require the same fullness and power of the Spirit to live for Him and boldly proclaim Him to our world.

In addition to filling us with His power, there are many other benefits given to us when we are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

  • Courage and boldness – Acts 4:8-14, 13:8

  • Deeper prayer life – 1 Cor 4:15, Rom 8:26, Jude 1:20

  • Spiritual prayer language – 1 Cor 14:15

  • Spiritual gifts – 1 Cor 12

  • Greater worship of God – Eph 5:18-20, Col 3:16

  • Deep reverence, love for God – Acts 2:38-47

  • Joy – Rom 14:17, 1 Thess. 1:6

  • Vibrant life – Rom 12:11

What happens when I receive Holy Spirit baptism?

Discover for yourself by reading Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19: 1-8 and observe what happened to those who received Holy Spirit baptism.

When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, something definite and unmistakable happens. It may be that you have a deep sense of knowing within that His Spirit has filled you. You may tangibly sense His presence and power. This may affect you emotionally, even physically. This fullness of the Spirit is apparent to you personally and quite likely, to those around you.

You may begin to speak in a language not known to you – speaking in tongues, a spiritual language for prayer, worship and ministry that the Holy Spirit enables you to do. When you ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit, this most often happens initially and if not immediately, then very soon afterwards. Throughout the book of Acts this is the pattern we observe.

How to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit


  • Be certain that you have repented of your sins and have received Christ’s forgiveness and salvation. (Acts 2:38-39)

  • That you sincerely desire the Person of the Holy Spirit - not solely His gifts or power.

  • Be certain you believe that when you ask the Lord to baptize you in the Holy Spirit, His answer is “yes”. (Luke 11:13)


  • Read what God’s Word says about Holy Spirit baptism and understand what you are asking for. The Bible verses in this brochure are a good place to start. Read through the book of Acts.

  • Fully surrender yourself to the Lord and repent of any known sins. Ask Sincerely ask the Lord Jesus Christ to baptize you with the Holy Spirit. (Luke 3:16)

  • Ask with faith in your heart, believing that He will baptize you as He promised. Most often with someone praying for you (laying on of hands) but sometimes not. (Acts 9:17, 10:41-47)


  • Be ready, willing and expectant to receive (Acts 9:17, Acts 19:2-6)

  • Open your heart to the Lord and begin to worship Him – shut out distractions around you, self-consciousness, etc. and focus upon the Lord. Don’t strive, simply receive. Yield yourself to Him.

  • Freely and openly worship the Lord and praise Him out loud.

  • Receive a new prayer language (tongues) to worship God with. In Acts 9, when Paul received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is not recorded whether Paul immediately spoke in tongues or not, but later, this gift was certainly evident as Paul declared that he spoke in tongues often. (1 Cor 14:18)


  • Continue to receive from the Holy Spirit.

  • “Do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit.” (Eph 5:18)

  • “And the disciples were continually filled (throughout their souls) with joy and the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 13:52)

When you are ready to receive

When you feel prepared to receive the wonderful baptism of the Holy Spirit, our prayer team will be ready to pray for you. Most often we can pray for you at the close of the service during our prayer ministry time. Our team stand ready to help you and minister to you.

You can also simply come before the Lord yourself, in your own place of prayer and ask the Lord to baptize you with His wonderful Holy Spirit.

If you would like to contact our team with any questions please click the button below to fill out a Connect Card.